Student Guide

Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying (in force from 1 August 2021)

Aalto University General Regulations on Teaching and Studying (in force from 1 August 2021)

The Academic Affairs Committee of Aalto University has on 20 December 2010 adopted the following regulations based on the Universities Act (Yliopistolaki 558/2009) and the Aalto University Bylaws. 
(Amendments 14 June 2011, 12 November 2013, 29 March 2016, 6 February 2018, 10 April 2018,8 May 2018,20 November 2018, 14 May 2019, 17 November 2020, 16 November 2021, 23 May 2023, 21 November 2023 and 10 September 2024 included.)

1 Purpose and scope of application

Section 1 Purpose and scope of application

Aalto University teaching is based on research. Its teaching aspires to achieve the high standards set by international universities in compliance with ethical principles and good scientific practice. When carrying out its teaching duty, Aalto University interacts with society.

These regulations are put in place in order to ensure the equal and just treatment and protection of rights for all members of the academic community and fluent progress in teaching and studying. Unless otherwise stated, these regulations apply to all the Aalto University education leading to degrees. (29 March 2016)

2 Definitions

Section 2 Definitions

The concepts used in these regulations are defined below.

1 Student: A student is a person who has been accepted into the university to pursue a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, licentiate degree (doctoral student) or doctoral degree (doctoral student) in accordance with the Government Decree on University Degrees (Valtioneuvoston asetus yliopiston tutkinnoista 794/2004) and its amendments. As applicable, here ‘student’ also refers to students other than those admitted to the university to pursue a degree. (17 November 2020)

2 Right to study: The right to pursue a degree (the right to study towards a degree) or the right to complete specific studies without the right to pursue a degree. (17 November 2020)

3 Examination: Examination, oral test or a similar study attainment that the student will perform in circumstances monitored by the university.

4 Degree regulations: Standing regulations on the grounds of earning a degree, as confirmed by Aalto University based on the present regulations. (17 November 2020)

5 Degree requirements: Studies required for the completion of a degree under the Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004), the regulations of the University Academic Affairs Committee as well as the relevant degree regulations and curricula as necessary for the completion of a degree. (17 November 2020)

6 Degree programme: A goal-oriented programme consisting of several study modules and leading to either a bachelor’s or a master’s degree. Degree programmes have specific goals and degree requirements. The degree programme may have alternative study modules, such as specialisations, options or majors. Degree programmes may have elective study modules. Degree programmes may have one or several languages of degree.

6a Doctoral programme (17 November 2020): A goal-oriented programme consisting of several study modules and leading to doctoral degree (or licentiate degree)

7 Aalto programme (repealed 17 November 2020)

8 Study module: A component of the degree consisting of two or more courses covering one or more topics or sets of problems. (17 November 2020)

9 Thesis: bachelor's thesis, master's thesis, licentiate thesis or doctoral thesis. (17 November 2020)
10 Course: A unit of study specified in the curriculum. It which may consist of one or several study attainments (components). [Addendum only in Finnish version: Kurssista voidaan käyttää myös nimitystä opintojakso. (8 May 2018)](17 November 2020)
11 Study attainment: A written or oral examination, presentation, or artistic or other performance which is included in the university curriculum and evaluated separately. A thesis is also a study attainment. (17 November 2020)

12 Curriculum: A confirmed overall description of the learning outcomes of the degree programme, the goals and contents of the study modules, course selection and the organisation of teaching in a given period of time. ‘Curriculum’ may also refer to an overall description of a study module leading to a licentiate or doctoral degree.

13 Language of degree: A general definition of the language(s) in which a degree may be completed.

14 Language of instruction: The language in which the teaching of the course or study module is provided.

15 Language of study attainments: The language in which students may complete study attainments.

3 Degrees and languages of degrees

Section 3 Degrees awarded by the university

In the field of technology, the university awards the degree of Bachelor of Science (Technology) and the following master’s degrees: Master of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Architecture) and Master of Science (Landscape Architecture). In addition, it awards the degrees of Licentiate or Doctor of Science (Technology), and Doctor of Philosophy. Doctoral students who were granted a right to study towards a Doctor of Philosophy prior to 1 August 2013 have a right to earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree. (17 November 2020)

In the field of economics and business administration, the university awards the degree of Bachelor of Science (Economics and Business Administration). It also awards the degrees of Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration). In addition it awards the degrees of Licentiate or Doctor of Science (Economics and Business Administration), and Doctor of Philosophy. (29 March 2016) Doctoral students who were granted a right to study towards a Doctor of Philosophy prior to 1 August 2013 have a right to earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree. (17 November 2020)

In the field of art and design, the university awards the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Art and Design). It also awards the degrees of Master of Arts (Art and Design) and Doctor of Arts (Art and Design). (29 March 2016)

Degrees are completed in accordance with the Government Decree on University Degrees issued on 19 August 2004 (794/2004) as amended, and with the present regulations as well as with the Aalto University degree regulations.

The organisation of education leading to a degree is the responsibility of the Aalto University schools. The degrees may include multidisciplinary studies and studies offered by another Aalto University school. The education leading to a degree may be organised in collaboration with other universities in Finland and/or abroad. Teaching leading to bachelor’s and master degrees is organised in the form of degree programmes, while doctoral education is organised in the form of doctoral programmes. To substitute its own teaching, the university may arrange tuition in cooperation with another Finnish university or university of applied sciences or procure it from one of these institutions. (8 May 2018) (17 November 2020)

The University Academic Affairs Committee confirms the descriptions for the various degrees. As necessary, the University Academic Affairs Committee will issue orders regarding degree requirements.

Section 4 Aalto University languages of instruction and degrees (29 March 2016)

In the field of economics and business administration, the Aalto University language of instruction and degrees is Finnish and English. In the fields of technology and art and design, the languages of instruction and degrees are Finnish, Swedish and English. Aalto University may also decide upon the use of other languages for instruction and degrees and for the study attainments.

The language of a degree programme may be English, if the teaching and guidance of the programme are in English and the study attainments may be completed in English. In general, the language of degree of students studying in English-medium degree programmes is English.

The language of degree for a doctoral student may be confirmed as English, if the entire degree may be completed in English. The language of degree for a doctoral student is determined when they are accepted to pursue the degree at the university. (17 November 2020)

Students who write their thesis in, Finnish or Swedish will always (except at the bachelor's level) have Finnish or Swedish marked as their language of degree. (21 November 2023)

Section 4(4) until 31 July 2024
Students who write their thesis in either Finnish or Swedish will have the national language used in the thesis marked as their language of degree, whatever the degree programme or its confirmed language of degree.

The University Academic Affairs Committee will issue further instructions regarding the languages of instruction and degrees.

4 Rights to study in education leading to a degree (title amended 17 November 2020)

Section 5 Granting a right to study

Separate provisions are issued regarding student admissions and accepting an offer of admission.

Section 6 Multiple rights to study

Students may earn several university degrees at Aalto University, but only one licentiate and one doctoral degree in the same field. Applicants cannot be granted a new right to study in education leading to a degree for which they already have a valid right to study at Aalto University or which they have already earned at Aalto University. (17 November 2020)

At any one time, students may have a right to study towards only one degree in a given field of education at Aalto University. However, at any one time, degree students may only have one valid right to study in a given field of education entitling them to pursue both a bachelor’s and master's degree or only a master's degree in that field. (17 November 2020)

Section 7 Expiry of the right to study (title amended 17 November 2020)

The right to study expires when the student completes the degree or waives the right to study. The right to right to study expires also if the student forfeits his or her right to study or the right to study is revoked on grounds specified in the Universities Act (558/2009). (17 November 2020)

Students forfeit their right to study also at the end of the maximum duration of studies specified in the Universities Act, or at the end of a granted extension, or if no extension is granted. Forfeiture of the right to study also applies to students who have failed to enrol at the start of the academic year. (17 November 2020)

If a transfer student accepts a new right to study, he or she forfeits the earlier right to study on which the transfer was based. (17 November 2020)

Where the studies impose demands in regard of the safety of minors or patient or client safety, the university may revoke the right to study granted for studies specified by government decree and subject to the conditions laid down in the Universities Act. (17 November 2020)

Section 8 Enrolment for the academic year

Each student must enrol annually as either attending or non-attending in a manner and during the enrolment period decreed by the university, unless otherwise provided elsewhere in this document.

Section 9 Failure to enrol for the academic year

Students who have not enrolled will forfeit their right to study.

Students who have forfeited their rights to study due to their failure to enrol may apply for readmission. The readmission is granted if the period of non-enrolment has not been longer than one academic year, if the student has special reasons for not enrolling or if the student has a goal-oriented and feasible plan for the completion of his or her studies within a reasonable time. If the permissible duration of studies of the student is limited, he or she can only be readmitted if he or she has not exceeded the maximum duration of study or the granted extension to the right to study. Re-registration is subject to a charge defined elsewhere.

Section 10 Interruption of studies (repealed 12 November 2013)

Section 11 Maximum duration of studies for bachelor’s and master’s degrees (title amended 17 November 2020)

The duration of studies may be limited to a maximum number of years as defined in the Universities Act (558/2009). In such cases, students have the right to complete their degree within the maximum duration of studies specified in the Universities Act. The duration of studies is expended by the period during which the student has failed to enrol attending or non-attending. The duration of studies is similarly expended by postponement of the start of studies or periods of interruption, i.e. such periods are considered equivalent to those of students enrolled as a non-attending student.

Section 10 Interruption of studies (repealed 12 November 2013)

Section 11 Maximum duration of studies for bachelor’s and master’s degrees (title amended 17 November 2020)

The duration of studies may be limited to a maximum number of years as defined in the Universities Act (558/2009). In such cases, students have the right to complete their degree within the maximum duration of studies specified in the Universities Act. The duration of studies is expended by the period during which the student has failed to enrol attending or non-attending. The duration of studies is similarly expended by postponement of the start of studies or periods of interruption, i.e. such periods are considered equivalent to those of students enrolled as a non-attending student.

Section 12 Applying for extension to maximum duration of studies in bachelor’s and master's degrees (title amended 17 November 2020)

Extension to the right to study is granted upon application on the grounds provided in the Universities Act.

An extension may be granted more than once for the completion of the same degree. An extension is granted from a minimum of 1 term to a maximum of 2 academic years. The decision on the duration of the extension shall be made taking into consideration the estimated duration of studies specified in the study plan.

Section 13 Waiving the right to study

A student may waive his or her right to study entirely by notifying Aalto University in writing. Students who have waived their right to study may gain a new right to study only through participation in an admissions process.

Section 14 Appeal against a decision regarding forfeiture of right to study (repealed 17 November 2020)

Revisioned section:

Section 14 Reinstatement of a revoked right to study (17 November 2020)

Students whose right to study has been revoked in accordance with section 7 may apply for a reinstatement of a revoked right to study as provided in the Universities Act (558/2009). The right to study shall be reinstated if the applicant proves that the reasons for the revocation no longer exist.

4a Commissioned education (17 November 2020)

Section 15 Commissioned education (17 November 2020)

(Former Section 15 transferred as amended to new Section 15 a)

The university may arrange degree studies commissioned and paid for by the Finnish state, another state, an international organisation, a Finnish or a foreign public agency, foundation or private corporation.

Decisions regarding the initiation and admissions criteria of this kind of education are made separately.
The rights and responsibilities of students in commissioned education are comparable to those of degree students as defined in the Universities Act. In other respects, their rights and responsibilities are agreed with the commissioning party.

4b Education not leading to a degree (17 November 2020)

Section 15a Non-degree studies and the Open University (transferred and title amended 17 November 2020)

The university may grant a limited right to study courses included in its curriculum, that is parts of a degree that may be taken as non-degree studies or as Open University studies for students who do not have a right to pursue a degree. The university may charge students pursuing non-degree or Open University studies the study fee legislated in the government decree. Further provisions on right to pursue non-degree studies and the operations of the Open University will be given by the president or an individual delegated by the president. (17 November 2020)
The university may arrange tuition (teaching) in cooperation with another Finnish university or university of applied sciences or provide tuition to one of these institutions. In such cases, the student will be granted a limited right to study in the university. The partner university or university of applied sciences granting the degree will include the completed course(s) in the student’s degree. Further provisions on studying on courses organised through inter-institutional cooperation will be given by the president or an individual delegated by the president. (17 November 2020)
The rights and responsibilities of the students referred to in subsections 1 and 2 above are mainly defined similarly to those of degree students. (17 November 2020)

Section 15b Professional specialisation programmes (17 November 2020)

The university may offer professional specialisation programmes.

Professional specialisation programmes are studies intended to be completed after a higher education degree and designed for degree holders in order to promote their professional development and specialisation. They are intended to generate competence in areas of expertise for which no market-based provision of education is available. The university may charge these students the study fee enacted by government decree. The universities offering such studies agree on the admission of students and the extent of their right to study. The scope of studies shall be no less than 30 credits. The rights and responsibilities of students pursuing these studies is are equivalent to those of degree students.
A certificate is awarded to students who complete the studies.

Further provisions on professional specialisation programmes will be given by the president or an individual delegated by the president.

Section 15c Continuing education (17 November 2020)

The university may offer continuing education.

Continuing education concerns courses that are of limited scope and duration and included in an approved curriculum or other courses and that may be completed by students who do not have the right to complete a degree.
Continuing education is a commercial activity governed by terms of separate agreements. The regulations that apply to students under the Universities Act do not apply to continuing education students. 
The university charges a separately defined fee for these studies.

Further provisions on the pricing and other terms and conditions concerning continuing education will be given by the president or an individual delegated by the president.

5 Curriculum design and development of teaching

Section 16 Curricula for education leading to a degree (8 May 2018) (title amended 17 November 2020)

Schools design their curricula in a manner that allows the students to complete their studies within the normative duration of studies specified in legislation.

The degree requirements and curricula are designed at the schools specifically for each degree programme in accordance with the goals set by University Academic Affairs Committee and the instructions issued on the design and monitoring of the curriculum.

When the curriculum is being designed, at least the following details must be specified for each study module: name, scope in credits, learning outcomes, prerequisites (if any), as well as the units and person responsible for the study module. When the curriculum is being designed, at least the following details must be specified for each course: name, scope in credits, scheduling, learning outcomes, implementation method, language of instruction, assessment methods, grading scale, prerequisites (if any), the unit responsible for and the teacher-in-charge of the course. Furthermore, the curriculum must specify any restrictions to registration eligibility or prioritisation policies applied to admitting students to the study module or course as well as the minimum number of students required for the course to be implemented. (17 November 2020)

The schools are obligated to organise their teaching in accordance with the curriculum. Changes to a currently valid curriculum can be made only in accordance with instructions issued on the design and monitoring of the curriculum.

A course implementation may be cancelled if the number of registrants does not meet the required minimum. In the case of cancelled course implementations, the students registered for them must be either provided an alternative way of completing the course or advised to take some other applicable course. (17 November 2020)

The schools shall monitor the implementation of their curricula. Further instructions on the design and monitoring of the curriculum are issued by the president or an individual delegated by the president.

Section 17 Personal study plan (title amended 17 November 2020)

Each student who are pursuing a bachelor’s or master's degree must prepare a personal study plan (HOPS). HOPS is the student’s tool for planning the contents, scope and duration of his or her studies. (17 November 2020)

Each doctoral student must prepare a doctoral personal study plan (DPSP), which includes plans for the contents, scope and duration of his or her studies, research, supervision, funding and career. (17 November 2020)

Each Student mentioned above in subsection 1 or 2 prepare their personal study plan for themselves on the basis of their programme’s curriculum. Students who wish to deviate from the approved curriculum of their programme must obtain approval for their personal study plan. (17 November 2020)
The school shall provide its students with guidance for the preparation and updating of their study plan. (17 November 2020)

Section 18 Study guidance

Study guidance must be organised so as to allow each student to be guided in their studies. The goal of study guidance is to support students with their choice of studies, with making smooth progress through their studies according to the planned schedule, and with their career planning. Provisions on the supervision of theses are issued in the degree regulations. (17 November 2020)

The provisions of sections 27 and 28 of the Administrative Procedure Act (Hallintolaki 434/2003) shall apply to the disqualification of persons involved in supervising the studies and theses of students. (17 November 2020)

Section 19 Collecting feedback on teaching

Student feedback must be collected of all teaching for the purposes of developing teaching.

6 Teaching arrangements and evaluation of study attainments

Section 20 Allocation of credits

Courses are allocated credits on the basis of the requisite workload. However, credits are not assigned for the doctoral thesis or licentiate thesis. The average input of 1600 working hours needed for studies of one academic year corresponds to 60 credits. The amount of credits awarded for the course must be a whole number. [Amendment only in English version (17 November 2020)]

Section 21 Academic terms

The academic year is divided into two terms: the autumn term begins annually on 1 August and ends on 31 December of that year. The spring term begins annually on 1 January and ends on 31 July of that year.

Section 22 Right to complete a study attainment

A student who has enrolled as attending can register for teaching and complete study attainments and study modules as provided in the curriculum and degree regulations. (17 November 2020)

Students may retake a course they have not passed for as long as an opportunity for retaking the course is available. Students may retake a passed course only once in order to get a higher grade as long as an opportunity for retaking the course is available. When retaking a course, the mode of completion may be different from that of the original course. (17 November 2020) (23 May 2023)

Students who have participated in a course may retake a failed or passed examination or other study attainment required for the course without retaking the entire course if the possibility to retake that study attainment is offered by the course. (17 November 2020) (23 May 2023)

No approved thesis may be redone nor any approved thesis seminar relating to it be retaken. (17 November 2020) (23 May 2023)

Students who are not degree students have the right to register for courses and complete study attainments and study modules based on either a separate right to study or a separate agreement granting a right to study.
(17 November 2020) (23 May 2023)

Section 23 Organisation of teaching in collaboration with an external partner

A course may be organised in collaboration with another university, other institute providing education or some other partner. Such courses must comply with the regulations pertaining to the organisation of courses and to study attainments. Study attainments are always evaluated against academic criteria.

As applicable, the provisions set forth here on courses also apply to theses. [Amendment only in Finnish version (17 November 2020)]

Section 24 Accessibility of studies

Accessibility must be considered in curriculum design and teaching to ensure unhindered progress in studies for all students. (17 November 2020)

Should the teaching be organised in a manner that does not allow the student, due a disability or other health condition, to complete studies as provided in the curriculum or in the course, the school is obligated to make reasonable accommodations to organise a mode of completing the study attainment. Any accommodated modes of completion must allow the student to achieve the intended learning outcomes set for the degree and course. (17 November 2020)

Section 25 Examinations (29 March 2016)

If the course includes examination, a sufficient number of examination opportunities shall be provided, taking into account the significance of the examination for completing the course. At least two opportunities to take examinations shall be provided during the academic year for a compulsory course if the course includes examination and passing the examination is compulsory for passing the course or the weight of the examination is at least half of the final grade. (23 May 2023)

Students shall register for examination to confirm their right to complete it.

During examinations, the invigilators of the examination must keep an examination hall log noting the names of the invigilators and participants of the examination. Students who take part in an examination must prove their identity.

Students must follow the instructions issued by the invigilator. The invigilator may interrupt the examination of a student disturbing the examination or violating university’s code of conduct. In the case of emergency situations during the examination the examination may be interrupted for all students. In the latter case the teacher-in-charge of the course will assess case by case whether the examination answers may be graded without compromising the equal treatment of all students or whether a make-up examination needs to be organized as soon as possible for students who attended the interrupted examination.

In the examinations, the students are required to complete their study attainments in the language of instruction unless otherwise instructed in the course. In addition, students have the right to receive the examination questions in Finnish and Swedish, and complete their examination answers in Finnish or Swedish when the language of instruction in the course is Finnish or Swedish. This right to receive the examination questions in Finnish and Swedish, and complete examination answers in Finnish or Swedish does not apply to the courses which are annually lectured both in Finnish and Swedish, to the courses in the field of business and economics or language studies.

President or a delegated university official provides further provisions on the examinations and registration for them.

Section 26 Notification of future examinations (repealed 17 November 2020)

Section 27 Teacher in charge of study attainment evaluation

The teacher-in-charge of the course grades the study attainments of the course. In addition to the teacher-in-charge, the course may have other staff to assist in the review of study attainments.

Provisions regarding the persons in charge of evaluating theses are contained elsewhere.

The provisions of sections 27 and 28 of the Administrative Procedure Act (Hallintolaki 434/2003) shall apply to the disqualification of persons involved in the evaluation of study attainments. The head of the unit in charge of the course assigns a person to replace a disqualified teacher-in-charge. (8 May 2018)

Section 28 Grading scale for study attainments

Courses are evaluated on the basis of one of two grading scales: a scale of 0(fail)/1(passable)/2(satisfactory)/3(good)/4(very good)/5(excellent) where 5 is the highest grade; or a fail/pass scale. However the proficiency in the second national language (Finnish/Swedish) for a bachelor’s or master’s degree is graded using the following scale: fail/satisfactory/good. (17 November 2020) (16 November 2021)

Provisions regarding the grading scales used in evaluating theses are given in the degree regulations. (16 November 2021)

Section 29 Interruption of thesis evaluation process

Students must be given an opportunity to be heard before the evaluation of a thesis in cases where the written statement explaining the grade proposes the thesis be assigned the grade of ‘fail’. In such cases, students may ask for the interruption of the evaluation of their thesis. Interruption of evaluation will terminate the evaluation process. The request is processed by the person or body in charge of evaluating the thesis, who also decides on the follow-up measures.

Section 30 Notification of evaluation of study attainments

The weight of individual study attainments in the final grade for a course shall be announced to students at the start of the course at the latest; the factors counted in the grading shall be announced for each assigned study attainment no later than at the time the assignment is given. (17 November 2020)

The teacher in charge of the course is responsible for ensuring that, within four weeks of the examination date or other due date given for a study attainment, all students of the course are informed of their own grade for the course as well as the grade distribution and failing rate of the course. At the same time, the teacher is to inform students how and when they will be given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the grading criteria and with the application of those criteria to their own performance. In connection with the final evaluation for the course, students should be informed about how those who failed the course may retake it and how a passing grade for the course may be raised. (17 November 2020)

For special reasons, the head of the unit in charge of the course may grant an extension to the notification. Students who are affected by the extended notification period must be notified of the granted extension without delay.

The evaluation criteria of study attainments are public after the publication of the results, unless otherwise provided in the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (Laki viranomaisten toiminnan julkisuudesta 621/1999).

Students are notified of the evaluation of a thesis associated with the bachelor’s degree in accordance with the provisions issued on the publication of the evaluation of study attainments, as applicable. A decision regarding the evaluation of a thesis associated with a doctoral degree, licentiate degree and master's degree is submitted in writing to the student who has written the thesis. [Correction of the language error only in English version (17 November 2020)]

Section 31 Entering study attainments into register

The teacher-in-charge of the course ensures that the details of the course grading are submitted to those handling the student register as the results are published. The results must be entered into the student register without delay after their publication. In cases where a course consist of several components, the date of completion entered into the register is the date of completion of the last component.

Register entries pertaining to study attainments are retained permanently according to the provisions of the law. (17 November 2020)

As applicable, the provisions set forth here on courses also apply to theses.

Section 32 Records of study attainments

The student has the right to review their own written or otherwise recorded study attainment. The student has the right, at their own expense, to obtain a copy of their written or otherwise recorded study attainments. (17 November 2020)

The recorded parts of approved theses are kept for university records until further notice, unless otherwise provided in statutes or regulations pertinent to record-keeping. Other study attainments must be stored for six (6) months after the publication of results, unless otherwise provided in statutes or regulations pertinent to record-keeping.

Section 33 Public nature of study attainments

The theses associated with all the degrees awarded at Aalto University are in the public domain.

Examination or test results referred to in the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) are to be kept secret as specified in the said act.

Section 34 Validity of study attainments

The credits for a completed course are valid until further notice, while those earned for an individual course component are valid until the course is given the next time, unless otherwise provided in the degree requirements or curriculum. (17 November 2020)

In cases where a course has been taken more than once, the highest grade received for the course shall apply. (17 November 2020)

An approved thesis is valid until further notice.

Section 35 Grade appeals (repealed 17 November 2020)

Section 36. Credit transfer and other ways to incorporate studies into a degree (10 September 2024)
(Valid from 1 January 2025. Please see the Entry into force and application of amendments)

Students may receive a credit transfer for their degree for studies that are equivalent to the relevant studies at Aalto University and that the student completed at another higher education institution or other educational institution in Finland or abroad. Students may use the transferred credits to substitute for studies that are part of their degree. Students may receive a credit transfer or accreditation also for learning they gained outside formal education (‘learning demonstrated in some other manner’).

The studies for credit transfer or the learning demonstrated in some other manner must meet the learning outcomes of the degree pursued, be non-expired with respect to the degree requirements, and produce knowledge and skills not included otherwise in the degree.

Credit transfer decisions are made by the school. Students apply for the credit transfer or accreditation of learning demonstrated in some other manner in writing and must provide evidence for their learning in a form that is suitable for assessment.

The studies for credit transfer or learning demonstrated in some other manner are indicated in the student information system and incorporated into the Aalto University degree with a grade of ‘Pass’ with the following exceptions:

  • A course completed at a Finnish higher education institution other than Aalto University and for which a full credit transfer was received may be marked with the other institution's original grade if the other institution's grade and the grading scale are equivalent to those used at Aalto and if the course is not used to substitute for Aalto courses that are part of the student’s degree.
  • Transferred credits for demonstrating proficiency in a second national language (Finnish or Swedish) for a bachelor’s or master’s degree are marked in the study information system and incorporated into the degree with a grade using the grading scale specified for these studies in Section 28.

The studies for credit transfer or learning demonstrated in some other manner are indicated in the student information system in a way that shows the source of the credits.

For Aalto University degrees, transfer credits may account for no more than one half of the scope of the degree. Transfer credits may also account for no more than one half of the credits of specific parts of the degree: degree programme studies excluding language and communication studies, a degree programme’s core studies, and the studies for a major (conforming to the Degree Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees). However, transfer credits may account for more than half in the case of degrees completed by transfer students. 

Theses and maturity essays may not be completed through credit transfers.

The provisions concerning credit transfer also apply, as appropriate, to incorporating credits into a degree for studies completed elsewhere at Aalto University.

In addition, the provisions concerning credit transfer apply, as appropriate, to incorporating credits into a degree for agreement-based studies, referring to double-degree and joint-degree studies completed through national or international cooperation or studies completed through other cross-institutional cooperation (‘Agreement-based studies’). Agreement-based studies, are indicated in the student information system and taken into account in the total scope of credit transfer studies in the student's degree as defined in the curriculum applicable to the student's degree regarding the agreement-based studies in question.

Further provisions on credit transfer, the accreditation of learning demonstrated in some other manner and the incorporation of studies into a degree will be given by the president or an individual delegated by the president.

Section 36 Transfer of credits (10 April 2018)
(Valid until 31 December 2024. Please see the Entry into force and application of amendments)

The student may have studies he or she has completed at other Finnish or foreign higher education institutions or other educational establishments counted towards his or her degree or substitute other equivalent studies for studies in the degree requirements.
In addition, the student may claim credits for learning gained outside formal education (‘learning demonstrated in some other manner’) or have it otherwise accredited towards the degree.
To be counted towards the degree, the prior studies or learning demonstrated in some other manner for which credits are claimed must meet the learning outcomes of the degree pursued, be non-expired with respect to the degree requirements while producing knowledge and skills not included otherwise in the degree.
Credit transfer decisions are made by the school. The student applies for the credit transfer or accreditation of learning demonstrated in some other manner in writing and must provide evidence for his or her learning in a form that is suitable for assessment.
The prior studies or learning demonstrated in some other manner that is counted towards the degree is graded with Pass.

The prior studies or learning demonstrated in some other manner is marked into the student register so that the place of earning the original credits is visible.

For Aalto University degrees, transfer credits may account for a maximum of one half of the degree, except in the case of transfer students, for whom the share may be larger. Transfer credits may not be counted towards thesis.

The provisions of this section also apply, as appropriate, to transferring credits for studies completed elsewhere at Aalto University. The provisions of this section also apply, as appropriate, to double and joint degrees offered through Finnish or international cooperation, unless otherwise provided by the terms and conditions of the cooperation agreement or the curriculum of the degree programme.

Further provisions on credit transfer and the accreditation of learning demonstrated in some other manner will be given by the president or individual delegated by the president.

Section 37 Appeal against a decision regarding transfer of credits (repealed 17 November 2020)

7 Earning a degree and degree certificates

Section 38 Degree certificates

The Aalto University schools award the degree certificate for the earned degrees. The degree title and the certificate are given in the language of degree of the student. Students with English as their language of degree will additionally be awarded a degree title and certificate in either Finnish or Swedish. (20 November 2018)

Further provisions on degree certificates will be given by the president or individual delegated by the president. (20 November 2018)

8 Code of academic integrity and procedure to handle violations thereof

Section 39 Code of academic integrity

All teaching and studying must take into consideration good scientific practice. Teaching and studying related to artistic activity shall observe also good artistic practices.

Students must comply with the guidelines given on examinations or on the completion of other study attainments. Students shall familiarise themselves with the available instructions and ask for assistance if instructions are unclear.

Teachers must develop their teaching and guidance of students in a manner that allows students to receive guidance on the permissible academic practices and to prevent the use of unfair means.

Section 40 Academic consequences of violations against code of academic integrity

A study attainment may be left ungraded, if the student is deemed to have violated the code of academic integrity while completing it. Students violating against the code of academic integrity may be subject to disciplinary action on the grounds set forth in the Universities Act (Yliopistolaki 558/2009).

Further guidelines on the code of academic integrity and on the handling of its violations, mentioned in Sections 39 and 40, shall be given by the Aalto University Academic Affairs Committee

9 Degree regulations (6 February 2018)

Section 41 Entry into force (transferred to Section 47, 6 February 2018)

Section 42 Transitional provisions (transferred to Section 48, 6 February 2018)

Section 43 Degree regulations for Bachelor´s and Master´s Degrees (title amended 17 November 2020)

Aalto University has shared degree regulations to be followed in all education leading to a bachelor’s or master’s degree. (Appendix: Degree Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees) (17 November 2020)

The schools can issue further provisions on applying the degree regulations. (17 November 2020)

Section 43a Degree Regulations on Doctoral Education (6 February 2018)

Aalto University has shared degree regulations to be followed in doctoral education, i.e. in education leading to a doctoral or licentiate degree. (Appendix: Degree Regulations on Doctoral Education.) [Amendment only in English version (17 November 2020)]

The schools can issue further provisions on applying the Degree Regulations on Doctoral Education.

10 Further provisions

Section 44 Lodging a rectification request in a matter concerning a student (Appeals addressed to the university) (Title amended 17 November 2020)

Decisions that students may appeal or request a rectification of shall have instructions on how to do so appended. Teachers, however, do not need to append instructions for rectification requests when informing their students about the evaluation of their study attainments, in accordance with section 30 above. (17 November 2020)

Regarding a decision on forfeiting the right to study, a student may submit a written appeal request to the party designated by the university in the matters referred to in sections 9 or 12 above. The submission must occur within 14 days of receipt of the decision. (17 November 2020)

Students can direct a written submission to the Aalto University Academic Appeals Board to request rectification of an evaluation of their doctoral thesis, licentiate thesis or master’s thesis within 14 days of receiving notification of the decision. (17 November 2020)

Students may appeal orally or in writing against an evaluation of a study attainment other than an attainment of the kind mentioned in accordance with subsection 3 of the present section. The rectification request concerning a grade of a study attainment shall be submitted to the teacher or body that performed the evaluation; the submission must take place within 14 days of the date on which the student has been offered the opportunity to see the results and the evaluation criteria applied to their study attainment. (17 November 2020)

The student may make a rectification request orally or in writing concerning studies completed elsewhere or to claim credits for learning demonstrated in some other manner than in formal education (transfer of credits). The rectification request shall be submitted to the teacher or body that made the decision; the submission must take place within 14 days of the date on which the student receipt of notification of the decision. (17 November 2020)

The student may be asked to supplement in writing and within a set time period a rectification request that was initiated orally according to subsection 4 or 5 of the present section. The teacher or body that made the decision must provide a written decision to rectification requests. (17 November 2020)

Students may request in writing that Aalto University Academic Appeals Board rectify a decision that was made on an rectification request and was submitted in accordance with subsection 4 or 5 of the present section; the request for rectification must be submitted within 14 days of the student’s receiving notification of the decision. (17 November 2020)

Rectification requests complying with subsections 2, 3 and 7 of the present section must be submitted to the Aalto University Registry before the end of the Registry’s opening hours on the day of the deadline. (17 November 2020)

Section 44a Lodging an appeal in a matter concerning a student (Court appeals) (17 November 2020)

A decision to which a student may seek amendment through an appeal must include instructions for submitting the appeal. A decision for which the student may not lodge a rectification request or appeal must include a statement indicating the ban on appeals.

Students who appealed a decision on a forfeited right to study (referred to in section 44) and are dissatisfied with the appeal decision may appeal further to the Administrative Court of Helsinki against the decision.

Students may appeal a decision concerning a disciplinary matter by appealing to the Administrative Court of Helsinki.

Students may appeal a decision pertaining to an exemption from a compulsory language requirement for a bachelor’s or master’s degree by appealing to the Administrative Court of Helsinki.

Students may appeal a decision pertaining to the revocation or the reinstatement of the right to study by appealing to the Students' Legal Protection Board (Opiskelijoiden oikeusturvalautakunta).

No appeal may be lodged against a ruling on a rectification request concerning a transfer of credits or the grading of a study attainment.

No appeal may be lodged against decisions concerning scholarships or grants.

Section 45 Aalto programmes (repealed 17 November 2020)

Section 46 Student union membership

All university students who have been admitted to programmes leading to a bachelor’s or master’s degree belong to the student union.

The student union membership of doctoral students and students in commissioned education is decided by the student union. [Amendment only in Finnish version (17 November 2020)]

Section 47 Other provisions (14 May 2019)

As necessary, the Aalto University Academic Affairs Committee will give further provisions regarding theses.

11 Entry into force and transitional provisions

Section 48 Entry into force (6 February 2018) (14 May 2019)

(AAC 6/20 December 2010, 5/4 June 2011) These regulations enter into force on 1 August 2011.

Section 49 Transitional provisions (6 February 2018) (14 May 2019)

Upon their entry into force, these regulations repeal the corresponding regulations given on the same issues by the Aalto University schools. The academic affairs committees of the schools shall make the necessary revisions to their own regulations and confirm the school-specific degree regulations so that they enter into force in the autumn term beginning on 1 August 2011.

Degree programmes established before the entry into force of these regulations, and students admitted to pursue a licentiate or doctoral degree may, as necessary, be assigned a language of degree in compliance with the provisions of Section 4 as applicable.

Students who have forfeited their right to study due to failure to enrol as a student prior to the entry into force of these guidelines will be treated in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 9(2) regarding discretionary readmission as of the beginning of the academic year starting on 1 August 2012. Before that date, the practices of each school in force prior to the entry into force of these guidelines shall apply.

Schools must comply with the list of obligatory course details to be included in the curriculum as defined in Section 16(1) in the curriculum to be confirmed for the academic year 2012–2013. Similarly, the list of those course details to which changes are not considered minor set forth in Section 16(2), will apply in the academic year 2011–2012 only to those course details that are included in the curriculum of the school.

Entry into force and application of amendments

(AAC 8/ 12 November 2013) The amendment repealing Section 10 of the present regulations enters into force on 1 December 2013.

The provisions of Section 10 repealed as of 1 December 2013 will apply to students who have interrupted their studies prior to the entry into force of the amendment. After the entry into force of the amendment, the student cannot, however, apply for a new period of interruption or extend a currently on-going period of interruption beyond its original end date.

(AAC 2/ 29 March 2016) The amendments to Sections 1, 3, 4 and 25 enter into force on 1 August 2016.

(AAC 1/ 6 February 2018) Following amendments shall enter into force on 1 August 2018 
The name of the chapter 9 is amended, Section 43 is amended, a new section, 43(a), is added with appendix (Appendix: Degree Regulations on Doctoral Education);
The name of the chapter 10 is amended (Finnish version only);
New chapter, 11, is added, and the previous Section 41 and Section 42 are transferred to new Section 47 andS ection 48 in the chapter 11; 
The provisions of entering into force and applying the amendments given after these regulations came into force on 1 August 2011 are transferred from chapter 11 to Entry into force and application of amendments.

The Degree Regulations on Doctoral Education shall supersede provisions in the Schools´ degree regulations concerning solely doctoral degrees. The academic affairs committees of the schools shall initiate necessary amendments to their own regulations before these amendments shall enter into force.

(AAC 2/ 10 April 2018) Amendments to Section 36 shall enter into force on 1 August 2018.

The applications for credit transfer submitted prior to 1 August 2018 are processed in accordance with the regulations regarding credit transfer in force at the time of application. The academic affairs committees of the schools shall initiate amendments to their own regulations when necessary before these amendments shall enter into force.

(AAC 3/ 8 May 2018) Amendments to Sections 3, 16 and 27 enter into force on 1 August 2018.

(AAC 5/ 20 November 2018) Amendments to Section 38 enter into force on 1 January 2019.

Further provisions on degree certificates given by the Aalto University Academic Affairs Committee in accordance with the former Section 38(2) shall remain in force until the president or individual delegated by the president gives superseding provisions.

The president or individual delegated by the president may initiate the preparation for implementation before these amendments shall enter into force.

(AAC 3/ 14 May 2019) The following amendments enter into force on 1 August 2019
A new Section 46 will be added, which makes the former Sections 46, 47 and 48 new Sections 47, 48 and 49.

AAC 3/ 17 November 2020) The following amendments enter into force on 1 August 2021

Sections 14, 26, 35, 37 and 45 are repealed,
a new Section 14 is added to replace the repealed Section 14, 
a new Chapter 4a is added,
a new Section 15 is added,
a new Chapter 4b is added,
the former Section 15 is transferred as amended to new Section 15a,
new Sections 15b and 15c are added,
a new appendix (Appendix: Degree regulations for bachelor’s and master’s degrees) to Section 43 is added,
a new Section 44a is added
Sections 2, 3, 4, the title of Chapter 4, Sections 6, 7, the titles of Sections 11 and 12, Sections 16, 17, 18, 20 (English version), 22, 23 (Finnish version), 24, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 43, 43a (English version), 44 and 46 (Finnish version) are amended.

The Aalto University degree regulations for bachelor’s and master’s degrees entering into force shall supersede the degree regulations of the schools. The schools must undertake to provide further instructions as necessary before the amendment to the present regulations enters into force.

(AAC 6/ 16 November 2021) Amendments to Section 28 enter into force on 1 December 2021

(AAC 4/ 23 May 2023) Amendments to Sections 22 and 25 enter into force on 1 August 2023.

(AAC 9/ 21 November 2023) Amendments to Section 4 enter into force on 1 August 2024

(AAC 6/ 10 September 2024) Amendments to Section 36 shall enter into force on 1 January 2025

Applications for credit transfer submitted prior to 1 January 2025 shall be processed in accordance with the regulations regarding credit transfer in force at the time of the application.

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